RyuuketsuEG on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/ryuuketsueg/art/Sharon-den-Adel-Text-Portrait-146485240RyuuketsuEG

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Sharon den Adel Text Portrait



First of all I'd like to say that it took me about 15 hours to create this haha :aww:

Sharon den Adel is the lead singer of the Dutch symphonic rock/metal band Within Temptation. She's also one of the main songwriters and her voice is just beautiful!

The words and sentences I used in this piece are mostly related to Within Temptation as it contains names of band members, titles of songs, lyrics or other things but there are also a few nonsense words included =3

Proud to be Dutch! :dance:

Image size
900x1100px 656.91 KB
© 2009 - 2024 RyuuketsuEG
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Aloss94's avatar
Hey could you teach me how to do it, please???